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  • Capped Bodysack Part 1
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    Breathless Angel - Capped Bodysack Part 1

    Clip Description

    So, in this update, demetrius uses his newest toy, a lycra body sac. Great invention, especially when angel is all strapped down inside of it, and a latex re-breather hood is strapped over her face while she is in the fully enclosed sac. Yeah, pretty decent struggling considering that angel is more-or-less immobilized.

    Clip Duration:      7 minutes
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    wmv81.58 MB

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    Breathless Angel - Capped Bodysack Part 1

    Breathless Angel - Capped Bodysack Part 1

    Breathless Angel - Capped Bodysack Part 1

    Breathless Angel - Capped Bodysack Part 1

    Breathless Angel - Capped Bodysack Part 1

    Breathless Angel - Capped Bodysack Part 1
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it's a lot for a video, we know. But what we also know, is that you can't find a 30 minute video like this anywhere on the internet for less.

you will save 20.00 by purchasing this video instead of all 6 clips separately!

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